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New NBC promo imagines Brooklyn Nine-Nine as Law & Order: SVU

As you have definitely heard over the last seven months, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, formerly of Fox, now has a new home: NBC. In a flashy promo for the beloved veteran cop comedy earlier this month, Det. Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) lived out his Die Hard dreams by jumping off an exploding building and onto a helicopter. Now, NBC is mashing up the latest addition to its family with a law-enforcement show that has anchored the network for many years: Law & Order: SVU.

“On the streets of the city, there are those who commit crimes, and there are those who stop them,” begins a familiar narration. “Members of an elite squad, of dedicated detectives. These are their stories.” Cue: clips of Jake and his fellow detectives not always acting like New York’s finest.

Fans responded on social media by calling for a crossover episode between the two shows. (Brooklyn Nine-Nine has participated in a crossover event before — with New Girl — but that, of course, remained within the comedy genre.) And Andre Braugher, who plays the stern Captain Holt, certainly can acquit himself within an NBC detective drama, as he won an Emmy in 1998 for his work on Homicide: Life on the Street. Yes, yes, this one is a long shot, but still, it’s fun to say: Munch, meet Wuntch.

Take a peek at the premiere (and beyond) in these first-look photos from season 6.

Season 6 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine begins Jan. 10 at 9 p.m. ET.

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