This week we leave Jamie and Claire’s story aside for the hour, while we catch up on Roger and Brianna’s journey to the past. Heart don’t fail me now, courage don’t desert me…
Brianna has successfully made it to the past, which is a very cold and snowy Scottish Highlands. She has a map, a path drawn from Craigh na Dun to the nearest harbor, but little else to guide her. Spotting a road in the distance, she begins to sprint toward it, but she slips, twists her ankle, and spills some things from her rucksack, including a red velvet bag that looks a lot like Jamie’s mother’s pearls (which she used to get through the stones in the books). Bree’s spill is worse than it looks, and soon she’s trying to ice down her ankle in a freezing stream and struggling to limp down the road.
We cut back to that same road in 1971, where Roger and Fiona are driving in a black VW bug to take him to Craigh na Dun to attempt to follow Bree through the stones. Roger is kitted out in clothes from the past, including a cravat and SAY IT AIN’T SO, he has shaved. RIP Roger’s glorious beard. To be honest, I’m taking this loss harder than most of the character deaths on this show.
He muses about time being a concept or measure more than a reality. Fiona retorts she hopes time travel is a reality for his sake or he’ll have shaved his beard for nothing. PREACH FIONA. He has money, a map, a compass, a knife, and a gemstone to help him pass through. As he approaches the stones, they buzz loudly, calling him with their sound and after hugging Fiona goodbye, he walks to them and presses his hands against them.
Bree is not faring well in the past. She uses a box of matches to light a fire in the woods and eats a peanut butter and jelly sandwich she packed in her bag as she settles in for a freezing night in the woods. The next day she spots fire from a chimney and tries to limp towards the house, but she collapses, unable to put weight on her foot. She falls into a state of unconsciousness and remembers another time she fell asleep when her beloved father Frank carried her in from the car. Oh, hai, Tobias Menzies, it’s nice to see you again.
While unconscious, Bree’s discovered by Laoghaire (boo! hiss!) and her remaining daughter Joan. She is being fed and well-cared for in a bed, but Laoghaire wants to know more about Bree’s strange accent (because the standard American accent as we know now did not exist then). Bree explains her parents are in the Americas and she wants to go to them, which prompts Laoghaire to reveal her eldest daughter is in North Carolina.
Bree wakes in the night to hear Ian Murray and Laoghaire arguing. Per usual, Laoghaire is angry that Jamie has not sent enough money back to support her, but refuses Ian’s offer to help. (Laoghaire is a total conniving bitch, but let’s be honest, being a woman with few opportunities to make money and a family to support was not easy — you can’t blame her). Bree remembers another late-night argument she once overheard between her mother and Frank. Ian wants to know who she is, and recognizes her as an outlander by the sound of her voice.
At last, Bree is well enough to get out of bed. She goes to help Joanie and Laoghaire in the garden. Laoghaire offers Bree Marsali’s clothes to keep her warm on her voyage. As Bree braids flowers into Joanie’s hair, the two girls discuss their absent and adopted fathers. Joanie astutely says her surrogate dad didn’t love Laoghaire as much as her mother loved him, and Bree explains it was the same between her mother and Frank.
(Recap continues on next page…)
Diana Gabaldon’s genre-bending time-travel novels come to life in Starz’s series.
from Viral News Show