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Andy Samberg reveals the Golden Globes jokes that didn’t make the cut

The Golden Globes hosts only have so much time to get in their zingers, otherwise you end up in an Oscars situation where the telecast feels as long as a Michael Bay Transformers movie. So Andy Samberg went through some of the material that didn’t make the cut during his turn on the stage with cohost Sandra Oh.

“There’s so little time, but there are a lot of jokes that we didn’t get to cover,” Samberg told his long-time Saturday Night Live chum Seth Meyers on Late Night Wednesday.

Here are a few, as Samberg read off cue cards:

Crazy Rich Asians is up for two awards and crazy rich white people are up for the remaining 200.”

BlacKkKlansman is also nominated and, judging by the upper and lowercase lettering in the title, is also a WiFi password.” (Samberg said comedian John Mulaney wrote that one.)

The Americans is nominated tonight for Best Drama, Lead Actor, Lead Actress, and most people getting boned in front of portraits of Ronald Reagan.”

If Beale Could Street Could Talk, I think it would say, ‘Ouch! Stop driving on me!’ Seriously, we agreed to host this super last minute, you guys.”

In a back-and-forth with Meyers, who filled in for Oh’s part, Meyers began:

“The all-female franchise reboot trend continued this year with the movie Ocean’s 8 and there are many more on the way.”
“[Samberg in Bronx accent] Hey, you know what they should do? Female reboot of Magic Mike but with all ladies. Now that I would watch.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“Hey, the line starts right here, Seth… Thank you, this has been my audition for Green Book.”

Samberg made sure Meyers aired all of them on his show. “Here’s how you’ll know if we cut any,” Meyers joked, “this one on the card says No. 18. So if there are less than 18, that means there were ones worse than the worse one you saw.”

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