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Jason Reitman’s Ghostbusters sequel, Jared Leto’s Morbius cement 2020 releases

On Friday, in the dead of night, as the frigid winter winds howled through the East Coast, Sony Pictures cemented dates for its comic book vampire movie and a ghost-hunting sequel.

Jason Reitman’s surprise Ghostbusters movie, planned for a summer 2020 release, officially hammered down July 10, 2020 for its theatrical bow, EW can confirm. Three weeks later, Morbius, the Spider-Man-based spin-off film starring Jared Leto as the soon-to-be vampiric antihero, will premiere on July 31, 2020.

These new dates come amid a few scheduling shifts for various Sony releases, including, as Deadline reports, a flag pole planted for an undisclosed Marvel film on Oct. 2, 2020. Given the box office success of Venom, the planned sequel to the Tom Hardy symbiote flick feels like a solid guess, though the studio is also developing multiple other standalone films based on characters surrounding — but not including — Spider-Man, thanks to that deal to bring Tom Holland’s web-slinger into Disney’s Avengers world.

EW exclusively broke the news that Reitman, son of original Ghostbusters helmer Ivan Reitman, who write and direct a new Ghostbusters movie set long after the events of the 1984 movie. It does not have any affiliation with Paul Feig’s female-fronted Ghostbusters, which brought up sore feelings for the filmmaker and stars.

“It is not a reboot. What happened in the ‘80s happened in the ‘80s, and this is set in the present day,” Reitman said.

Morbius, meanwhile, is based on Spider-Man comic villain Dr. Michael Morbius, a biochemist who inadvertently infects himself with vampirism after attempting to cure himself of a rare blood disease. Sony recently cast The Crown‘s Matt Smith to star opposite Leto in the film, which is directed by Daniel Espinosa.

Sony’s Greyhound also moved a year from March 22, 2019 to May 8, 2020, Black and Blue set a Sep. 20, 2019 release, and Mister Rogers film A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood moved from Oct. 18, 2019 to Nov. 22, 2019.

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