Each week, we break down the biggest moments from Supergirl, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning, and Arrow — both here and on SiriusXM’s EW Live every Friday during Superhero Insider.
This week, Supergirl, Arrow, and Black Lightning returned from their winter hiatuses, while The Flash continued with a Cicada-centric episode that sent the West-Allen family reeling.
Kara’s no fan of cover-ups — but in her line of work, sometimes they’re a necessary evil. She learns that the hard way in the winter premiere of Supergirl, when Alex and the rest of the DEO must wipe their memories to protect her identity. The twist may have been rushed, but it was worth it by the end, when Chyler Leigh and Melissa Benoist knocked their last scene together out of the park. Without Alex, who is Kara? And without Kara, who will Alex become? Next week’s episode looks to tackle the latter question, and though I wish the arc involving Haley and the invisible aliens got more screen time, I’m invested in how the Danvers sisters’ new dynamic will play out. This show is wading into extremely tricky territory, considering how their relationship has served as the emotional bedrock for Supergirl (and Supergirl). Will it be able to survive this development? —Shirley Li
Related: Read our recap, then take a look at (and judge for yourself) the first photo of Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor.
As the episode’s title suggested, “My Name is Emiko Queen” was all about the newest addition to the Queen family, and Arrow didn’t disappoint. Sea Shimooka, who plays Emiko, felt like she was channeling season 1 Oliver in her performance and had an interesting dynamic with Rick Gonzalez, who plays Rene. Furthermore, the episode did a fine job of answering all our immediate questions about Emiko and her mission and backstory. However, the award for best performance of the hour definitely goes to Stephen Amell, who made Oliver’s exasperation and guilt over the discovery of Emiko’s existence very palpable and engaging. I’m looking forward to seeing how Emiko and Oliver’s first conversation goes. —Chancellor Agard
Related: Read our recap.
The Flash
The last time Cicada met the Flash face-to-face, he decided not to murder the speedster after learning he’s a father. This time, though, he doesn’t leave the West-Allen family alone; instead, he punches poor Nora in the back, rendering her paralyzed for much of the episode until her healing can kick in. It’s a violent development that sends Barry into a rage, and while I was engrossed by the drama of this winter premiere, I do feel like it’s time to wrap up Cicada once and for all. The show is, pardon the pun, dragging its feet on the arc at this point; Barry and Nora totally had enough time to put him in handcuffs, but nope, they just missed him again. At least Caitlin and Killer Frost are getting somewhere — their dynamic remains one of the best parts of this season of The Flash. Still, that cure’s going to inevitably end up in the wrong hands, right? … Right? Either way, please bring Cisco back ASAP, if only to distract Sherloque from staring at his own reflection in the computer monitor, unable to figure out who’s behind the second handwriting style in Nora’s journal. —S.L.
Related: Read our recap.
Black Lightning
When Black Lightning returned this week, Jennifer and Khalil’s brief attempt to run away from home came to an end in the most brutal fashion imaginable. For as much as she resented her parents’ recent decisions, and as much as she was clearly enamored by both her own developing powers and her ex-boyfriend’s romantic antihero vibes, Jennifer just wasn’t born to run. She returned home to her family. Khalil’s family, though, wasn’t nearly as well-equipped as the Pierce household to protect him from Tobias’ wrath. Jefferson convinced Khalil to turn himself in to the authorities for protection, but Tobias runs this town. The police convoy was intercepted, Khalil was brought before Tobias, and the albino gangster settled their beef in awful fashion: He literally ripped Khalil’s cybernetic spine out of his back, and left him (bloodied and broken) in front of a Freeland church.
This season has been split into small, three-episode arcs. This week’s episode ended the “Book of Rebellion,” while next week kicks off the “Book of Secrets.” We’ll find out soon enough whether Jennifer’s ever-increasing powers can do anything to help the newly reinjured Khalil… — Christian Holub
Related: Read our recap.
Listen to Superhero Insider
Click below to listen to this week’s Superhero Insider, which airs every Friday at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET on SiriusXM’s Ch. 105, hosted by Kyle Anderson, Chancellor Agard, and Shirley Li.
Supergirl airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET; Arrow airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET, followed by Black Lightning at 9 p.m. ET; and The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on the CW.
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