Even before the new season of The Bachelor premiered, people were talking about a young blonde contestant named Bri who chose to channel her inner Crocodile Dundee during her first conversation with Colton — even though she’s from Los Angeles.
It’s so stupid it’s brilliant! And laugh all you want, but Bri got a rose. It came as a bit of a surprise, especially since the three-hour premiere (!) didn’t include the moment later in the evening when Bri explained her fake put-another-shrimp-on-the-barbie accent to the Bachelor. EW has the exclusive look at this conversation — which, in keeping with Bri’s style, is somewhat random and confusing.
“Oh, crikey mate!” she begins, laying it on a bit thick before dropping the act and coming clean: “My Australian accent is, like, kind of an ice-breaker,” Bri tells Colton. “I’ll just start talking like I’m from Australia and it’s really fun.”
The Bachelor is good-natured about the bait-and-switch, even as Bri admits that she’s never even been to Australia. “It’s my favorite accent,” she says. (Wait, does everyone have a favorite accent? I’d better get on that.)
Are you surprised Bri got a rose?
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