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The Gifted recap: Mutant marriage counseling

We’re not even two weeks into 2019 and already it’s brought lots of changes to the struggle between the Mutant Underground, the Inner Circle, and the Purifiers. In case you missed last week’s New Year’s episode, it found the first two organizations teaming up to save John Proudstar from the latter. Well, Inner Circle leaders like Reevan and the Cuckoos didn’t help with that — only the organization’s former Mutant Underground members, Andy Strucker and Lorna Dane, put aside their differences to rescue the Mutant Underground leader. Although everyone acted like this temporary team-up didn’t change anything, it clearly did. Andy got a little sadistic while defending Lauren from a Purifier, which horrified their parents…and had a slightly different effect on Lauren herself. Lorna and Marcos couldn’t stand being around each other that long without sharing a kiss so passionate they’re starting to reevaluate things.

The toll of that episode may have fallen heaviest on Jace Turner, though. When we last saw him in 2018, Jace seemed to have finally regained control over his life. He was an effective and popular Purifier leader and had just captured his opposite number among the mutants. Jace interrogated John and protected him from trigger-happy Purifiers, hoping to finally get some answers out of him. Once the rescue party showed up, Jace lost his mind and unloaded a shotgun into John’s stomach as he sat tied to a chair. Jace was shuttled out of sight before any mutants actually showed up, which left his best buddy Ted to get flattened by Andy.

That takes us to this week’s episode, which opens with a flashback featuring Andreas Von Strucker visiting New Orleans in 1985 to get his music box fixed. After the man completes the procedure, complete with an unidentified “modification,” Von Strucker kills him for his trouble. Have you heard of sword canes? Well, Von Strucker’s cane could also shoot energy. How about that?

In the present day, Lauren is starting to spend a lot of time listening to the music box, and it’s starting to get to her. After watching Andy gleefully hurt one of the Purifiers, Reed and Caitlin are disturbed and determined to destroy the Inner Circle so that they can rescue their son. Lauren, though, is starting to get into a similar mindset as her brother. She’s also connecting with her grandparents. While sleeping one night, Lauren starts dreaming about the night Andrea Von Strucker died in her brother’s arms. In her nightmare thrashing, she accidentally cuts her dresser in half and pulls her light from the ceiling — but isn’t that Andy’s power, not hers?

It’s a dangerous time; following the mutant prison break, police are barging into any suspicious apartment to check for escaped mutants. Lauren’s fit draws suspicion, and the next day cops come through their door. Luckily, the Strucker family is able to outwit them thanks to a strategic use of Lauren’s power. Encouraged by her mother, Lauren uses her new telekinesis-inflected powers to disrupt a nearby streetlight, sending the police on a goose chase in a different direction.

NEXT: Aurora borealis reborn

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