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2 Detroit officers suspended for video taunting black woman

Two Detroit police officers have been suspended amid an investigation into racially demeaning comments made during a traffic stop and posted on social media.

Officer Gary Steele and an unidentified officer stopped 23-year-old Ariel Moore for driving with an expired license plate last week. They seized the vehicle, leaving Moore to walk one block to her home in the cold and dark.

WXYZ-TV reports that video posted to Steele’s Snapchat account showed Moore walking home as he says “priceless” and “bye Felicia.” The caption tags read: “What black girl magic looks like” and “celebrating Black History Month.”

Police Chief James Craig said Monday that the officers have been suspended with pay. Craig earlier demoted Steele from corporal and apologized to Moore.

The Associated Press sent a message Tuesday seeking information on whether Steele was available to comment or had a lawyer.

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