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Lethal Weapon creator on whether tonight’s episode could be a series finale

It’s been a long and arduous journey to tonight’s season finale of Lethal Weapon on Fox — and it’s not clear whether the show will survive another year after so many high-profile disruptions. (So long Clayne Crawford! Welcome to the show, Sean William Scott! Are you leaving, Damon Wayans?) We asked Creator/Showrunner Matt Miller to tease tonight’s episode and whether it could serve as a series finale if Fox decides not to order a fourth season.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What can viewers expect from tonight’s episode?
MATT MILLER: This episode is hands down the biggest we’ve ever done from a production and stunt perspective.  We knew from the beginning of the season that we were going to frame our season finale around Natalie’s [Maggie Lawson] wedding, and I had the image in my head of Natalie, walking down the aisle in a tattered dress and bare feet. It’s a big, fun, action-packed episode that plays into all the genres we like to explore — action; drama; comedy and heart.

Did you know you wanted to go out with a bang, quite literally?
The final set piece when Cole and Natalie jump out of a 33-story building was something we came up with in the writer’s room as a place holder. We figured that eventually we would have to rein it in and come up with something much smaller and more produce-able.  But our amazing crew and stunt coordinator Tim Trella came up with a way to do it combining real stunt performers jumping out the window. The actors doing the stunt on the Warners lot against green screen and visual effects lending a hand. It wasn’t until I was on set and we were really doing the stunt did it occur to me, we forgot to rein it in.

Do you feel the ending has a cliffhanger element? Or are you happy with it if it ends up being the series finale?
The ending is a bit of a cliffhanger, less so than in the previous 2 seasons, but it’s definitely a launch to where we want to go in season 4.  Since we’ve already mapped out in detail what season 4 looks like, it will definitely be a bummer if we don’t get to tell that story.

The third season finale of Lethal Weapon airs tonight at 8 p.m. ET on Fox.

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