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A super boy torments a waitress in James Gunn’s extended Brightburn trailer

That scene from the Brightburn trailers in which a horror spoof on Superman attacks a waitress in an empty diner is far creepier than we realized.

James Gunn, who produces this twisted take on superheroes, shared an extended trailer from the film on social media Friday and it came with some cringing scenes.

In Brightburn, directed by David Yarovesky (The Hive), a space craft carrying an alien child crash lands on earth where the infant is raised by two human parents. This is intentionally similar to the Superman origin story. Only instead of the boy growing to use his superhuman abilities for the betterment of humanity, he initially takes vengeance on school bullies and quickly turns into an unstoppable psychopath.

For the unlucky waitress in town, she turns to find the kid used his superspeed to draw creepy symbols all over the windows of her workplace. Soon after, a light bulb explodes overhead, forcing her to pick glass shards out of her eyes.

It gets worse from there.

Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, and Jackson Dunn star in Brightburn, which was written by Gunn’s brothers Mark and Brian Gunn.

The film will open in theaters on May 24 and, to creep you out even more, Sony released a new poster featuring the demon child looking more like Batman villain Scarecrow than Superman. Kids these days, amirite?!

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