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A guide to the classic cinematic Easter eggs on Riverdale

In season 3’s third episode, “The Red Dahlia” (itself a play on 1940s Veronica Lake starrer The Blue Dahlia), the noir references were abundant, with Jughead taking up some private investigation work. The episode paid particular debt to 1974 film Chinatown. Kelly Ripa guest-starred as Hiram Lodge’s mistress, Mrs. Mulwray, named after Faye Dunaway’s character in the Roman Polanski film. In another nod to the film, her shady dealings are tied to obscuring the truth about Riverdale’s water supply. But Veronica gets the most iconic nod to the film when, after asking Jughead to investigate her father’s shooting, she shows up in his office in full 1940s femme fatale garb and declines to know the truth, telling him, “Forget it, Jughead, it’s Riverdale.” The last (and very famous) line of Chinatown is, of course, “Forget it, Jake, it’s Chinatown.”

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