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Gotham finally reveals Cameron Monaghan’s Joker in new promo

Not a prank: Cameron Monaghan is finally going full Joker.

In the above April 1 teaser, Fox’s Gotham is at last revealing its don’t-call-him Joker character.

The Fox drama has long hamstrung by DC’s rules governing the TV show’s usage of its iconic big-screen characters. Things loosened up for the final season, though The Joker is still called “J” here. The character represents Monaghan’s third and final transformation after playing a series of takes Joker-esque figures in the series.

There’s also a poster (file carefully named: “Gotham Villain V2”):

Previously Monaghan teased to EW: “The character I most enjoyed playing is the one in the final episode that we haven’t seen yet… when you have an episode that’s a full-on Batman episode running around in the future, you’re going to have characters that you’ll expect to see.”  

Gotham airs Thursday on Fox.

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