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Queer Eye‘s Jonathan Van Ness breaks down the best hair on Game of Thrones

“Gorj. Pony power. Love that ‘long hair, don’t care.’ Very gorgeous. The Dothraki warriors are such an important part of the story, and he was the most perfect Dothraki — he represented this fierce idea of masculinity and fierce idea of being undefeated. What I think is really cool about that world is that you have these really rage-filled men with guyliner, and he has a braid down to his butt and wears miniskirts, so his character, without ever saying it, speaks to the silliness of the binary that we always subscribe to. He’s the ideal of masculine perfection, and he’s in a skirt and a lazy gladiator shoe and snatched braids and a brow that he obviously goes to Anastasia Beverly Hills every six weeks. So I think that’s great, it’s fabulous. I miss him; I don’t get to see his pecs anymore.”

Game of Thrones season 8 premieres April 14 on HBO.

Get your copy of Entertainment Weekly’s biggest Game of Thrones issue ever: 78 pages of exclusive stories and photos on the past, present, and future of the HBO hit. Buy your choice of 16 different covers, and don’t forget to subscribe for more exclusive interviews and photos, only in EW.

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